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The paper describes the exploitation of feed-forward neural networks
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neural model, attention is turned to the modeling accuracy and to the
efficiency of building a model. Dealing with the accuracy, we describe
a method of increasing it by successive completing a training set.
Neural models are mutually compared in order to highlight their
advantages and disadvantages. As a reference model for comparisons,
approximations based on standard cubic splines are used. Neural models
are used to replace both the time-domain numeric models and the
frequency-domain ones.
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S-parameter are here presented. Advantages and disadvantages of this
technique compared to frequency-domain measurements are mentioned.
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The paper describes a digital frequency synthesizer that
incorporates a novel method of the clock signal frequency versus
temperature dependency compensation. The clock signal is derived
directly from a dual mode crystal oscillator (DMXO). With introducing
the method, synthesized signal frequency versus temperature instability
below a0.15ppm can be obtained over a wide temperature range (between
45°C and +85°C). Since a temperature information is obtained
directly from a crystal itself rather than from an external sensor,
temperature offset and lag effects are eliminated.
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This paper shows the realization of two terminal devices with an
arbitrary polynomial nonlinearity up to the fifth order. The proposed
design procedure is completely systematic using minimum of components.
The very heart of our conception is four-channel four-quadrant analog
multiplier MLT04. The implementation of synthesized nonlinear resistor
as a general nonlinearity in chaotic oscillator is also presented and
experimentally verified.
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In this paper, a simple and complete asymptotical analysis is given
for a mean square error (MSE) piecewise uniform polar quantizer (PUPQ).
We show that PUPQ has the same performance as the asymptotic nonuniform
polar quantizer (NPQ) and has implementation complexity between
complexities of NPQ and uniform polar quantization. The goal of this
paper is solving the quantization problem in case of PUPQ and finding
the corresponding support region.
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This article deals with possibilities of reduction of elastomagnetic
sensor errors. Elastomagnetic sensors are used for measuring of massive
pressure force (of range about 200 kN). At the same time with demands
on sensor accuracy, a filter can be added to the measuring set. The
function of this filter is to regulate the basic metrological
characteristics of sensor in order to achieve the smallest deviation
from an ideal transfer characteristic. The using of exactly defined
algorithm of reducing sensor errors is not appropriate in this case.
So, the unconventional solution is using of the neural networks.
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The performance of a downlink power control model, based on a n-th
power distance law, is evaluated for high altitude platform station
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compared with the uplink capacity. It is shown that the uplink capacity
is higher than the downlink capacity.
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