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A multi-input multi-output (MIMO) antenna with high isolation capability is proposed in this paper. The proposed MIMO antenna configuration is composed of two monopole antennas, each of them consists of a single rectangular grounded coplanar waveguide (GCPW) feed line, a radiation patch with two arms, two conductive elements on both sides of the feed line, and a simple ground plane on substrate backside. The overall size of the proposed MIMO antenna is 44×20 mm2 on 1.6 mm thick FR4 substrate which is more compact than many of the previously designed structures. The arrangement of two monopole antennas in the form of a MIMO antenna topology yield a dual-band operation in which the first bandwidth is in 3.06-3.89 GHz with the central frequency at 3.5 GHz for WiMAX applications, and 5.14-5.93 GHz with central frequency of 5.5 GHz for WLAN applications. Interestingly the obtained isolation level is better than -20 dB over the operating bandwithds. Simulation and measured results confirm the antenna outperformance in WiMAX and WLAN frequency range in wireless portable applications. Small size, simple structure, and high isolation without any decoupling elements are some of the advantages of the proposed design.
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A compact ultra-wideband (UWB) printed slot antenna with additional bands of 870-960 MHz, 1.67-1.84 GHz, 2.33-2.57 GHz for GSM-900, GSM-1800 and Bluetooth respectively along with WiMAX band rejection functionality at 3.27-4.02 GHz is presented for various wireless applications. A simple circular patch fed by a trapezoidal-shaped microstrip line is conceived to cover entire UWB (3-10.5 GHz). Three additional bands have been accommodated by incorporating two pairs of spider arm-shaped resonators at the top of the slotted ground. Coupling between the extended feed line and extended back resonator is used to acquire a stop band characteristic for the reduction of possible interference between WiMAX and UWB bands. Moreover, an arc-shaped resonator and a cross-shaped slot on the feed line are conceived to enhance the bandwidth of the UWB. The proposed design is simple in structure and compact with an overall dimension of 50×50×1.6 mm3, hence length is only 0.046λ with respect to the lower edge frequency (3 GHz) of the UWB. The simulated and measured results are in good agreement that ensures the potentiality of the proposed antenna structure for UWB and multiservice wireless applications.
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This paper proposes a novel design of a triple band frequency selective surface (FSS) that acts as a bandstop filter at 1.92 GHz, 3.5 GHz and 5.64 GHz. The bandstop frequencies resemble to GSM, WLAN and WiMAX application bands respectively. The structure is polarization insensitive since its frequency response remains unaltered for both TE and TM modes of electromagnetic wave propagation. The main attractive feature of the structure is its highly stable response under oblique incident angle upto ± 800 at both TE and TM polarizations. Surface current distribution and equivalent circuit modelling are presented to demonstrate the resonance characteristic of the FSS. The structure is compact with an overall unit cell area of 0.09λ x 0.09λ, where λ is the wavelength corresponding to the lowest resonant frequency. The proposed structure is compared with other multi-bandstop FSS structures in literature to highlight its superior functionality in terms of stability under oblique incidence and compactness. A prototype comprising of 6 x 6 array of the proposed unit cell is fabricated and the measured results are in good agreement with the simulated results.
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In this paper, an ultra-thin metamaterial absorber with a stretching transformation (ST) pattern is proposed and fabricated in the low-frequency range. The absorber is composed of dielectric layer, metal patch loading resistor and variable capacitor which produce its tunability. In order to expand the tunable bandwidth, we applied the ST with various coefficients x and y to the unit cell pattern. Measurement and simulated results show that the structure can be tuned to provide a continuously variable reflectivity level of less than -10 dB from 0.68 to 2.13 GHz at bias voltages of 10–40 V. The total thickness of this absorber was only λ/31 of the center frequency. Both measurements and simulated results indicate that this absorber can be thin and achieve a tunable absorption simultaneously.
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Infrared (IR) target detection and tracking are commonly used in modern defense systems. Target detection is the first and very important step for several surveillance applications. Long distance between imager and targets or bad weather conditions mostly cause dim target appearance with low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in IR images. In this study, dim targets in IR images are enhanced and detected using saliency detection algorithms, which have not been used in IR wavelength before. Performances of the algorithms are evaluated on common IR datasets. Algorithms are compared in terms of SNR, receiver operating characteristic (ROC) and area under curve (AUC) score. Effects of parameter selection are also considered for automatic target detection. Furthermore, feasibility of the methods for real-time applications are discussed.
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Keywords: Side-channel analysis, deep learning, convolutional neural networks, DeepSCA