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Absence of network infrastructure and heterogeneous spectrum availability in cognitive radio ad hoc networks (CRAHNs) necessitate the self-organization of cognitive radio users (CRs) for efficient spectrum coordination. The cluster-based structure is known to be effective in both guaranteeing system performance and reducing communication overhead in variable network environment. In this paper, we propose a distributed clustering algorithm based on soft-constraint affinity propagation message passing model (DCSCAP). Without dependence on predefined common control channel (CCC), DCSCAP relies on the distributed message passing among CRs through their available channels, making the algorithm applicable for large scale networks. Different from original soft-constraint affinity propagation algorithm, the maximal iterations of message passing is controlled to a relatively small number to accommodate to the dynamic environment of CRAHNs. Based on the accumulated evidence for clustering from the message passing process, clusters are formed with the objective of grouping the CRs with similar spectrum availability into smaller number of clusters while guaranteeing at least one CCC in each cluster. Extensive simulation results demonstrate the preference of DCSCAP compared with existing algorithms in both efficiency and robustness of the clusters.
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In this paper, we investigate the outage probability and power allocation for the two-way decode-and-forward (DF) relay networks with relay selection.~Specially, we consider independent but not necessarily identical distributed Rayleigh fading channels. Firstly, we derive an exact closed form outage probability expression. To shed light on the relation between the outage probability and the power allocation factor, an upper bound for the outage probability is derived, too. We then propose a power allocation scheme in the sense of minimizing this upper bound. Monte Carlo simulations are conducted to show that the derived outage probability expression excellently matches simulation results, and our proposed power allocation scheme performs effectively.
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The competitive price game model is used to analyze the spectrum sharing problem in the cognitive radio networks, and the spectrum sharing problem with the constraints of available spectrum resource from primary users is further discussed in this paper. The Rockafeller multiplier method is applied to deal with the constraints of available licensed spectrum resource, and the improved profits function is achieved, which can be used to measure the impact of shared spectrum price strategies on the system profit. However, in the competitive spectrum sharing problem of practical cognitive radio network, primary users have to determine price of the shared spectrum without the acknowledgement of the other primary user’s price strategies. Thus a fast gradient iterative calculation method of equilibrium price is proposed, only with acknowledgement of the price strategies of shared spectrum during last cycle. Through the adaptive iteration at the direction with largest gradient of improved profit function, the equilibrium price strategies can be achieved rapidly. It can also avoid the predefinition of adjustment factor according to the parameters of communication system in conventional linear iteration method. Simulation results show that the proposed competitive price spectrum sharing model can be applied in the cognitive radio networks with constraints of available licensed spectrum, and it has better convergence performance.
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Cognitive radio and cooperative technique are two essential techniques for the future generation green communication paradigm owing to its inherent advantages of adaptability and cognition. Typically, previous studies on power allocation in the cognitive relay networks often concentrate on two goals independently: the first goal is to minimize the transmit power to reduce energy consumption, as depicted in strategy 1; the second goal is to maximize the transmit rate, as depicted in strategy 2. In this paper, we shift our focus to energy-efficient-oriented design, that is, green power allocation between source and relay. Therefore, we present a novel power allocation strategy considering the two goals jointly, as depicted in strategy 3, and compare the proposed strategy with two previous strategies. Specifically, because the strategy 3 is nonlinear, we use the Lagrange dual method to solve it effectively. Finally, the numerical results are presented to validate our theoretical results through theory simulation and Monte Carlo simulation. Numerical performance results show that the proposed strategy works better than that of the two previous strategies from the viewpoints of energy-efficient.
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Continuous phase modulation (CPM) is a widely used modulation scheme in communication systems. However, difficulties arise with the design of CPM receivers, due to the nonlinear nature of CPM. One popular solution is to linearize CPM with pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) representation. In this paper, a reduced-complexity non-data-aided (NDA) timing recovery method for PAM-based M-ary CPM receivers is proposed. The proposed method is based on the PAM representation and maximum likelihood principle. The merits of the proposed method are twofold. On one hand, the proposed method is reduced-complexity in nature for PAM-based CPM receivers, i.e., it shares the match filter bank with PAM-based detectors. On the other hand, it is shown that the performance of the proposed method is better than the existing method with some modulation schemes. Therefore, the proposed method provides an important synchronization component for PAM-based M-ary CPM receivers.
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This paper presents the results of an investigation into a combination of electric and magnetic planar resonators in order to design the building element of a volumetric metamaterial showing simultaneously negative electric and magnetic polarizabilities under irradiation by an electromagnetic wave. Two combinations of particular planar resonators are taken into consideration. These planar resonators are an electric dipole, a split ring resonator and a double H-shaped resonator. The response of the single resonant particle composed of a resonator with an electric response and a resonator with a magnetic response is strongly anisotropic. Proper spatial arrangement of these particles can make the response isotropic. This is obtained by proper placement of six planar resonators on the surface of a cube that now represents a metamaterial unit cell. The cells are distributed in space with 3D periodicity.
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Keywords: Modified cuckoo search, side lobe suppression, null control, linear array, isotropic radiator, Dolph-Chebyshev.
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This study introduces a new design of dual-band circular polarized (CP) microstrip antenna for ISM band applications (2.45 GHz and 5.8 GHz). The proposed dual-band CP microstrip antenna with compact design has achieved design intention of having return loss of < −10 dB and axial ratio of < 3 dB for both frequencies of 2.45 GHz and 5.8 GHz. The antenna has been successfully designed, fabricated, simulated, and measured and it shows the advantages of good dual-band and CP performances. Thus, the obtained results confirm satisfactory performance and good agreement.
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Keywords: Analog filter, CCCCTA, Current-mode, Multiple input-Single output
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This paper introduces new possibilities within two-dimensional reconstruction of internal conductivity distribution. In addition to the electric field inside the given object, the injected current causes a magnetic field which can be measured either outside the object by means of a Hall probe or inside the object through magnetic resonance imaging. The Magnetic Resonance method, together with Electrical impedance tomography (MREIT), is well known as a bio-imaging modality providing cross-sectional conductivity images with a good spatial resolution from the measurements of internal magnetic flux density produced by externally injected currents. A new algorithm for the conductivity reconstruction, which utilizes the internal current information with respect to corresponding boundary conditions and the external magnetic field, was developed. A series of computer simulations has been conducted to assess the performance of the proposed algorithm within the process of estimating electrical conductivity changes in the lungs, heart, and brain tissues captured in two-dimensional piecewise homogeneous chest and head models. The reconstructed conductivity distribution using the proposed method is compared with that using a conventional method based on Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT). The acquired experience is discussed and the direction of further research is proposed.
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Non-verbal vocal interaction (NVVI) is an interaction method in which sounds other than speech produced by a human are used, such as humming. NVVI complements traditional speech recognition systems with continuous control. In order to combine the two approaches (e.g. "volume up, mmm") it is necessary to perform a speech/NVVI segmentation of the input sound signal. This paper presents two novel methods of speech and humming segmentation. The first method is based on classification of MFCC and RMS parameters using a neural network (MFCC method), while the other method computes volume changes in the signal (IAC method). The two methods are compared using a corpus collected from 13 speakers. The results indicate that the MFCC method outperforms IAC in terms of accuracy, precision, and recall.
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