In view to the epochal scenarios that nanotechnology discloses, nano-electronics has the potential to introduce a paradigm shift in electronic systems design similar to that of the transition from vacuum tubes to semiconductor devices. Since low dimensional (1D and 2D) nano-structured materials exhibit unprecedented electro-mechanical properties in a wide frequency range, including radio-frequencies (RF), microwave nano-electronics provides an enormous and yet widely undiscovered opportunity for the engineering community. Carbon nano-electronics is one of the main research routes of RF/microwave nano-electronics. In particular, graphene has shown proven results as an emblematic protagonist, and a real solution for a wide variety of microwave electronic devices and circuits. This paper introduces graphene properties in the microwave range, and presents a paradigm of novel graphene-based devices and applications in the microwave/RF frequency range.
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Although practically all function blocks of the satellite navigation receivers are realized using the CMOS digital integrated circuits, it is appropriate to create a separate low noise antenna preamplifier based on a low noise pHEMT. Such an RF front end can be strongly optimized to attain a suitable tradeoff between the noise figure and transducer power gain. Further, as all the four principal navigation systems (GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, and COMPASS) work in similar frequency bands (roughly from 1.1 to 1.7 GHz), it is reasonable to create the low noise preamplifier for all of them. In the paper, a sophisticated method of the amplifier design is suggested based on multiobjective optimization. A substantial improvement of a standard optimization method is also outlined to satisfy a uniform coverage of Pareto front. Moreover, for enhancing efficiency of many times repeated solutions of large linear systems during the optimization, a new modification of the Markowitz criterion is suggested compatible with fast modes of the LU factorization. Extraordinary attention was also given to the accuracy of modeling. First, an extraction of pHEMT model parameters was performed including its noise part, and several models were compared. The extraction was carried out by an original identification procedure based on a combination of metaheuristic and direct methods. Second, the equations of the passive elements (including transmission lines and T-splitters) were carefully defined using frequency dispersion of their parameters as Q, ESR, etc. Third, an optimal selection of the operating point and essential passive elements was performed using the improved optimization method. Finally, the s-parameters and noise figure of the amplifier were measured, and stability and third-order intermodulation products were also checked.
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In the paper, we describe a novel H-plane horn antenna for an experi¬mental wireless link operating in frequency bands 71 to 76 GHz and 81 to 86 GHz. The horn antenna was designed considering a substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) technology, The waveguide WR12 was used as a feeder. In order to improve transition between a thin-substrate SIW horn antenna and the air, we combined two approaches; a printed transition and a dielectric load. That way, a better impedance matching and better radiation properties were reached. In comparison with other planar horn antennas, we obtained a more directional radiation pattern with more than 5 dB higher gain and sufficient side lobe suppression in the E-plane. The novel planar H-plane horn antenna was compared with a designed conventional metallic horn antenna.
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This paper presents a 6-element series array quasi-lumped element resonator antenna. The proposed antenna employs an interdigital capacitor in parallel with a straight strip conductor whose centre finger is shorted across the capacitor. An array configuration is imperative as the gain of a single quasi-lumped element arrangement was only moderate and specifically put at about 9.4 dBi which may not be adequate for long distance communications. Relevant Equations for radiation pattern of the quasi-lumped element resonator (QLER) were derived and presented. The proposed antenna array exhibits a gain enhancement up to about 29.47% with a noticed size reduction of 80 × 30 sq. mm. Compared to standard long wire antenna and other approaches of capacitive loaded long wire antennas, it was proved that the proposed antenna has a relatively better performance yet with significant size reduction. Consequently, it is an ideal candidate for MMIC designs and wireless communication applications.
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A compact (0.16 λg x 0.08 λg) and wide stop¬band lowpass filter design using open complementary split ring resonator (OCSRR) and defected ground structure (DGS) is presented in this paper. Low pass filter is con-structed using two cascaded stages of OCSRR. Since the rejection bandwidth of the OCSRR is narrow, tapered dumbbell shaped DGS section is placed under the OCSRR to enhance the bandwidth. The cutoff frequency (fc) of the proposed lowpass filter is 1.09 GHz. The rejection band¬width of the filter covers the entire ultra wideband spec¬trum. Hence the spurious passband suppression is achieved up to 10 fc. The designed filter has been fabri¬cated and validated by experimental results
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Keywords: Lowpass filter, defected ground structure (DGS), open complementary split ring resonator (OCSRR)
In this letter, a microstrip lowpass filter with -3 dB cut-off frequency at 1.286 GHz is proposed. By using two main resonators which are placed symmetrically around Y axis a sharp roll-off rate (250 dB/GHz) is obtained. The proposed resonators are consisted of two asymmetric high-low impedance patches. To achieve a high relative stopband bandwidth (1.82) four high - low impedance resonators and four radial stubs as suppressing cells are employed. Furthermore, a flat insertion loss in the passband and a low return loss in the stopband can prove desired in-band and out-band frequency response. The proposed LPF has a high FOM about 63483.
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This paper presents the size miniaturized and harmonic suppressed lossless 1:4 T-junction unequal power divider using an open complementary split ring resonator (OCSRR). By embedding the OCSRR structure in the microstrip transmission line, slow wave effect is introduced and thereby size reduction is achieved. The dimensions of OCSRR are optimized to reduce the length of high impedance and low impedance quarter-wavelength transmission lines. In our design high impedance line length is reduced to 58.6%, and low impedance line length is reduced to 12% when compared to the conventional quarter wavelength lines. The proposed power divider is having small dimensions of 0.18 λg × 0.33 λg and is 51.94% smaller than the conventional unequal power divider.
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Keywords: Open complementary split ring resonator (OCSRR), power divider, size miniaturization
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Node localization is the core in wireless sensor network. It can be solved by powerful beacons, which are equipped with global positioning system devices to know their location information. In this article, we present a novel sparse localization approach with a mobile beacon based on LU decomposition. Our scheme firstly translates node localization problem into a 1-sparse vector recovery problem by establishing sparse localization model. Then, LU decomposition pre-processing is adopted to solve the problem that measurement matrix does not meet the re¬stricted isometry property. Later, the 1-sparse vector can be exactly recovered by compressive sensing. Finally, as the 1-sparse vector is approximate sparse, weighted Cen¬troid scheme is introduced to accurately locate the node. Simulation and analysis show that our scheme has better localization performance and lower requirement for the mobile beacon than MAP+GC, MAP-M, and MAP-M&N schemes. In addition, the obstacles and DOI have little effect on the novel scheme, and it has great localization performance under low SNR, thus, the scheme proposed is robust.
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In this paper, we present a novel compact three-way power divider with bandpass responses. The proposed power divider utilizes folded net-type resonators to realize dual functions of filtering and power splitting as well as compact size. Equal power ratio with low magnitude imbalance is achieved due to the highly symmetric structure. For demonstration, an experimental three way filtering power divider is implemented. Good filtering and power division characteristics are observed in the measured results of the circuit. The area of the circuits is 14.5 mm x 21.9 mm or 0.16 λg x 0.24 λg, where the λg is the guide wavelength of the center frequency at 2.1 GHz.
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Keywords: Bandpass filter, coaxial filter, elliptic, quasi dual-mode, source-load coupling
This paper investigates a novel cyclic time-to-digital converter (TDC) which employs triple-slope analog interpolation and time amplification techniques for digitizing the time interval between the rising edges of two input signals(Start and Stop). The proposed converter will be a 9-bit cyclic time-to-digital converter that does not use delay lines in its structure. Therefore, it has a low sensitivity to temperature, power supply and process (PVT) variations. The other advantages of the proposed converter are low circuit complexity, and high accuracy compared with the time-to-digital converters that have previously been proposed. Also, this converter improves the time resolution and the dynamic range. In the same resolution, linear range and dynamic range, the proposed cyclic TDC reduces the number of circuit elements compared with the converters that have a similar circuit structure. Thus, the converter reduces the chip area, the power consumption and the figure of merit (FoM). In this converter, the integral nonlinearity (INL) and differential nonlinearity (DNL) errors are reduced. In order to evaluate the idea, the proposed time-to-digital converter is designed in TSMC 45 nm CMOS technology and simulated. Comparison of the theoretical and simulation results confirms the benefits of the proposed TDC.
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The paper compares the boundary surfaces with help of cross-sections in three projection planes, for the four changes of Chua’s circuit parameters. It is known that due to changing the parameters, the Chua’s circuit can be characterized in addition to a stable limit cycle also by one double scroll chaotic attractor, two single scroll chaotic attractors or other two stable limit cycles. Chua’s circuit can even start working as a binary memory. It is not known yet, how changes in parameters and conseqently in attractors in the circuit will affect the morphology of the boundary surface. The boundary surface separates the double scroll chaotic attractor from the stable limit cycle. In a variation of the parameters presented in this paper the boundary surface will separate even single scroll chaotic attractors from each other. Dividing the state space into regions of attractivity for different attractors, however, remains fundamentally the same.
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